If you keep saving money into KiwiSaver at your current rate, how much you will you have saved when you retire? One way to find out is with an online calculator.
Online calculators use a variety of assumptions (inflation, pay increases, fund returns) to predict what your KiwiSaver fund will be worth when you retire. These assumptions differ by calculator, so it’s a good idea to try a few and see where the balance lies.
Here are just three (of the many) valid examples you can check out:
- Sorted Calculator – an independent calculator from the Commission of Financial Capability.
- Westpac Calculator – the assumptions used in this calculator are clearly set out below the input fields.
- Kiwi Wealth Calculator – this calculator includes some assumptions around your retirement goals, so you can see if you are on track to achieve them.
Would you prefer a more accurate overview of your retirement position? Then we can help. As KiwiSaver experts, we will be able to help you to assess your financial position both now and at retirement. This will be specific to your current and predicted finances.